Having been Born into a Clairvoyant family, I was very quickly (around 3 years old) seeing, speaking to and interacting with spirits (Ghosts). This had gotten to the point of an Auntie (my Mothers youngest sister (around 13-15 years) was so spooked by my interacting with a resident spirit in our home (lady who had died there) before my father took the flat, to this day I can remember her and describe her as if she was in the room with me.
I actually for a long time thought she was my other gran, but no she was a stranger who once lived in our home. I often while in bed hear sounds from a different environment and ticking clocks. Many times this would happen but always thought they were sounds from the outside world I could hear.
When I was around 5-6 we moved from the flat (apartment) we had to a larger one, but the lady was no longer there and all I experienced was a lot of deja-vu and the environmental sounds. The only amazing thing that I recall at that time was one day our telephone rang and I said aloud a weird name “Nathaniel Splunge” my Father looked wide eyed at me and picked up the phone, he spoke for a few minutes and after the call was finished he asked me why I said that name. I really didn’t know but had an overwhelming urge to say it aloud. The man on the other end of the telephone call was called John ******* and my Fathers nickname for him during their war years was Nathaniel Splunge.
It wasn’t long after that I was being tested and I didn’t like it and started to shut it out, the only thing that remained was a power that would keep me from harm when it was around the corner. For example, I was riding my motorcycle with others and we were racing on a new dual carriageway I suddenly had this great fear of danger and slowed right down to about 35mph (56 kph) (legal limit was 60 at the time but now 70). As I passed a Tee junction from my left a Police car pulled out and set of his two tone horns and flashing blue lights, both the other bikers were nicked (charged with speeding).
More recently I was in my coupe with a friend punching it when a truck from the other opposing lanes had discarded a big lump of the truck and was heading straight to my windscreen at speed I steered away from it and it struck the side underneath offside (driver side on right) it was too large to go under the car but somehow it flipped the car in the air as it rode under my rear wheel and we were airborne As we landed back onto the tarmac and still travelling at speed I brought the car to a safe controlled stop.
My passenger was no more shaken than I, I asked if he was alright and he replied “yes but what about the car?” We exited the car the only damage was where this large lump of corner piece (an assumption) of the truck had struck the car. Needless to say I took it to my fantastic Mechanic who In 20 minutes checked it out and said it was OK and did a minor cosmetic repair to my beautiful car.
Due to a boiler failure on Christmas day I had no heat and it was snowing and windy outside, even though I had double glazing I was freezing my arse off, I went to my garage and brought in a portable gas heater I used in the garage. While I was sitting on the floor with the bed quilt wrapped around me in front of the fire to get warm enough to make a hot drink and work out how to deal with this emergency. It was then I saw the pilot light parting like someone was blowing through a drinking straw, all I said was “Don’t do that I will get cold” and it immediately stopped.
I went to the local sally army to see if they had heaters for hire loan or purchase, they didn’t but offered me a Christmas lunch and somewhere to be warm, I took them up on this offer and donated the £15.00 I had in cash.
When I returned home I lit the gas fire and put the oven on to get some heat into the place. It was while I was sitting at the dining table that I saw a Brilliant light ball about the size of a man’s wrist watch face appear from nowhere on the left of the room and with purpose fly to the heater stop and then continue. It was very very bright and had that elusive look that coherent light has (Laser light), I said “Hello” it stopped again then moved on and through the wall to the right. Never saw that light anomaly again. I sold that place to downsize as each of the rooms were like a football pitch.
After finally moving into my current home of 2½ years, things started to happen during this last year.
I would find things would go missing and then appear again, but the biggest attention grabber was my Friend (the one in the Coupe) and I were returning from a large grocery shopping trip and as we walked into my home he said “there’s a toilet roll standing upright in the hall”, yes there it was, I picked it up and went to the bathroom and placed it back into the cupboard where I store them.
Then one morning around 3 am I got up to use the little boys room and there was a toilet roll in the middle of the bathroom floor, as I picked it up to put it away I said “OK you got my attention, I shall deal with you later”, I went back to bed.
The next day I went onto the internet as I had vaguely seen something about science can communicate with the dead. So after watching a few YouTube video’s I sorted out the dross and started my own research into electronic communication with the spirits.
I do not undertake urban exploration as this poses too many physical and human risks i.e. drug addicts and or homeless living in abandoned buildings plus the physical dangers of abandoned building damage, for that reason I don’t follow that path. I will however investigate empty sealed buildings with owner/agency consent or invitation as these types of building investigation is unlikely to collapse or a floor give way while standing on it.